Where to Begin When You Start to Calculate Back Pay

By Deryn Sumner, November 15, 2017 We’ve discussed a few times how important it is to value a case, even if you represent the agency, and even if you think your case is a slam dunk.  Nothing is predictable with certainty in litigation, and you don’t want to have to...

What Do You Have to Do to Show that You are Incapacitated?

By Deryn Sumner, October 24, 2017 As we discussed in August’s edition of the FELTG newsletter, the EEOC’s Office of Federal Operations is cracking down on granting extensions on deadlines to file appeal briefs.  In one canned response my office received, the EEOC made...

Accommodating Sleepiness into the Future, But not the Past

By Deryn Sumner, September 13, 2017 It was a hollow victory for the complainant in a recent case where the EEOC’s Office of Federal Operations found the Department of Transportation failed to accommodate him, but also found his termination during his probationary...

Avoidable Conflicts in EEO Complaint Processing

By Deryn Sumner, September 13, 2017 Conflict is a fact of life (of course, we seem to be experiencing a bit more than usual since January 2017).  And one type of conflict that sometimes can’t be avoided is a conflict of interest in processing EEO complaints.  These...

Life Goes Better with a Plan

By Deryn Sumner, September 13, 2017 Sometimes at work, we can feel like we’re simply jumping from one urgent matter to the other, without stopping to look at what’s coming ahead and plan for the next steps.  I’m certainly guilty of that myself.  As a litigator, work...

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