Each presidential administration brings its own priorities and policies to the White House, but the speed with which the Trump Administration has issued Executive Orders regarding the Federal workplace is unprecedented. In this 60-minute review, FELTG President Deborah J. Hopkins will provide up to-minute guidance on what several new Federal …
EEO Training, Employee Relations, Litigation & Advocacy, Supervisor TrainingAvailable:
February 11UnCivil Servant: Holding Employees Accountable for Performance and Conduct – February 12-13, 2025
FELTG’s flagship course UnCivil Servant empowers Federal supervisors and advisers to confidently handle the challenges that come with supervising in the Federal workplace. It shatters misconceptions about performance and misconduct-based actions and gives you simple step-by-step guidance for taking swift, appropriate, and legally defensible actions. This course fulfills the 5 CFR 412.202(b) …
Employee Relations, Supervisor TrainingAvailable:
February 12This week of FELTG training focuses on conducting administrative investigations in the Federal workplace with an emphasis on employee misconduct, including workplace harassment. Workplace Investigations Week always includes the most up-to-date information on the skills, trends, and cases, including OPM’s regulations on investigative leave. February 24: Administrative Investigations: The Substantive …
EEO Training, Employee Relations, Workplace InvestigationsAvailable:
February 24President Trump’s inauguration day Memorandum to agencies was clear: Agency leaders must “require employees to return to work in-person.” In a follow-up memo, the Office of Personnel Management noted that agency supervisors could excuse employees “due to a disability, qualifying medical condition, or other compelling reasons.” Telework is already the …
EEO Training, Employee Relations, Litigation & Advocacy, Supervisor TrainingAvailable:
February 25An employee does not follow an order. Seems like an open-and-shut case of insubordination, right? Think again. Was it a refusal or simply a failure to comply? When you charge an employee with insubordination, you must prove intent along with the other elements of the charge. This class explains what …
Employee Relations, Supervisor TrainingAvailable:
March 6Robust. Uninhibited. Wide-open. These are words the U.S. Supreme Court used to describe the type of debate by union officials that is considered “protected activity.” But how robust, uninhibited, or wide open is acceptable? And when? There are many tales of profanity, shouting, rough speech, and bullying taking place between …
Employee Relations, Labor Relations & Union Training, Supervisor TrainingAvailable:
March 20When Potential Violence Impacts the Workplace: Addressing Threats in 2025 – April 2, 2025
Whether it’s a disgruntled employee or customer, a domestic issue that follows an employee to work, or an unknown individual intent on causing harm, workplaces are at a distinct risk for violent incidents. Healthcare workers are five times more likely to experience injury from workplace violence than employees in other …
Employee Relations, Supervisor TrainingAvailable:
April 2The borderline between on-duty and off-duty has become increasingly blurred with the omnipresence of social media and many employees working flexible hours from home. Yet, one thing has remained clear and constant: If you’re going to discipline someone for what they do on their own time, you need to show …
Employee Relations, Supervisor TrainingAvailable:
April 3MSPB Law Week – April 7-11, 2025
Change happens in the world of Federal employee relations, and it often comes quickly. Those who succeed continuously sharpen their MSPB skills and refresh their knowledge. Those who don’t fall behind. FELTG’s MSPB Law Week provides an all-encompassing week of training that offers the most effective guidance and up-to-date information …
Employee Relations, Litigation & AdvocacyAvailable:
April 7It’s widely expected that labor-management relations will be highly adversarial in the new administration, and arbitration can provide an answer when grievances seem unresolvable. This two-hour virtual training walks you through the various stages of arbitration, identifying the key actions that will lead to a successful result. Attendees will leave …
Employee Relations, Labor Relations & Union TrainingAvailable:
April 17Investigating harassment in your agency can be an intimidating assignment, one that is rife with innuendo, conflicting accounts, and raw emotions. This course provides a successful and effective approach to conducting legally sufficient harassment investigations that gives the agency the information it needs, while withstanding third-party scrutiny. Tuesday, April 29: …
EEO Training, Employee Relations, Workplace Investigations, Supervisor TrainingAvailable:
April 29The administration has highlighted that agencies should swiftly and properly deal with employees who engage in misconduct. In many cases, progressive discipline is a win-win for agencies. It’s a valuable tool to (hopefully) correct an employee’s misconduct. But, if it doesn’t have its intended effect, it gives the agency a …
Employee Relations, Supervisor TrainingAvailable:
May 8President Trump’s recent Executive Order laid out numerous steps to improve the efficiency of the Federal hiring system, focusing on merit-based personnel decisions. These steps include a decreased hiring timeline, improved communication with applicants, and the use of technical assessments as outlined in the Chance to Compete Act of 2024. …
EEO Training, Employee Relations, Litigation & Advocacy, Supervisor TrainingAvailable:
May 21Whether you’re an HR professional, Employee Relations practitioner, EEO specialist, supervisor, or agency counsel, you have undoubtedly faced a leave-related challenge or two. And chances are, you may have struggled with some of the more complicated scenarios. Leave and medical issues create a complex and seemingly burdensome issue, one often …
EEO Training, Employee Relations, Litigation & Advocacy, Supervisor TrainingAvailable:
June 2Some in the incoming administration, including the President, have voiced support for the changing of marijuana from a Schedule I to a Schedule III substance. Meanwhile, the drug is legal in 38 states for medicinal purposes, and 24 for recreational purposes. And we continue to receive questions regarding Federal employees …
Employee Relations, Supervisor TrainingAvailable:
June 5UnCivil Servant: Holding Employees Accountable for Performance and Conduct – June 10-11, 2025
FELTG’s flagship course UnCivil Servant empowers Federal supervisors and advisers to confidently handle the challenges that come with supervising in the Federal workplace. It shatters misconceptions about performance and misconduct-based actions and gives you simple step-by-step guidance for taking swift, appropriate, and legally defensible actions. This course fulfills the 5 CFR 412.202(b) …
Employee Relations, Supervisor TrainingAvailable:
June 10If a Federal employee is required to have access to classified information, then the employee must be eligible for a security clearance in order to keep that position. What happens when the employee no longer has that clearance? This class will detail how to handle a security clearance suspension, revocation …
Employee Relations, Supervisor TrainingAvailable:
June 12Most Federal agencies settle employment disputes — whether they initiate as grievances, EEO complaints, or as appeals of agency disciplinary actions. While it’s common to assume that settlement means the agency has a flaw in its case, it has no direct tie to liability or admissions of wrongdoing. Often, it’s …
EEO Training, Employee Relations, Litigation & AdvocacyAvailable:
July 9If only there was a checklist that you could use to determine the correct penalty to address employee misconduct. Oh right, there is: the 12 factors identified in the Merit Systems Protection Board’s landmark Douglas v. VA decision. Yet, look at any recent batch of MSPB decisions, and you’ll find continued confusion …
Employee Relations, Supervisor TrainingAvailable:
July 10This year, it is more important than ever for agency supervisors, reasonable accommodation coordinators, EEO specialists, LR/ER specialists, attorneys, and union reps to understand the process for determining when an employee is entitled to an accommodation, whether the request is related to an individual’s disability, religious beliefs, or pregnancy status. …
EEO Training, Employee Relations, Supervisor TrainingAvailable:
July 17Do you want to take your knowledge and understanding of MSPB law to a new level? Have you let your skills languish while the Board sat empty and quorum-less for several years? Want to confidently address the knotty Federal employment law issues that challenge even the most experienced advisors? FELTG’s …
Employee Relations, Litigation & AdvocacyAvailable:
July 22This week of FELTG training focuses on conducting administrative investigations in the Federal workplace with an emphasis on employee misconduct, including workplace harassment. Workplace Investigations Week always includes the most up-to-date information on the skills, trends, and cases, including OPM’s regulations on investigative leave. Monday, August 11: Administrative Investigations: The …
EEO Training, Employee Relations, Workplace InvestigationsAvailable:
August 11Whether you’re representing your agency before the Merit Systems Protection Board or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, there is one ultimate goal: Win the case. This interactive course will prepare you for these kinds of hearings. Wednesday, August 27: Developing a Theory In this session, you’ll learn strategies for developing …
EEO Training, Employee Relations, Litigation & AdvocacyAvailable:
August 27UnCivil Servant: Holding Employees Accountable for Performance and Conduct – September 3-4, 2025
FELTG’s flagship course UnCivil Servant empowers Federal supervisors and advisers to confidently handle the challenges that come with supervising in the Federal workplace. It shatters misconceptions about performance and misconduct-based actions and gives you simple step-by-step guidance for taking swift, appropriate, and legally defensible actions. This course fulfills the 5 CFR 412.202(b) …
Employee Relations, Supervisor TrainingAvailable:
September 3MSPB Law Week – September 8-12, 2025
Change happens in the world of Federal employee relations, and it often comes quickly. Those who succeed continuously sharpen their MSPB skills and refresh their knowledge. Those who don’t fall behind. FELTG’s MSPB Law Week provides an all-encompassing week of training that offers the most effective guidance and up-to-date information …
Employee Relations, Litigation & AdvocacyAvailable:
September 8Whether you’re an HR professional, Employee Relations practitioner, EEO specialist, supervisor, or agency counsel, you have undoubtedly faced a leave-related challenge or two. And chances are, you may have struggled with some of the more complicated scenarios. Leave and medical issues create a complex and seemingly burdensome issue, one often …
EEO Training, Employee Relations, Litigation & Advocacy, Supervisor TrainingAvailable:
September 22Maybe you envision yourself donning a Sherlock Holmes hat and cape. Or, perhaps, your model is the masterful Benoit Blanc of Knives Out Mystery fame. If only the work of a Federal administrative investigation was as easy as these fictional detectives make their jobs seem. Instead, there are more than …
Employee Relations, Supervisor TrainingFor many, it’s the most difficult and unpredictable part of the workplace investigation — conducting the interview. This is especially the case when the witness has suffered trauma. And it’s likely to happen, considering these sobering statistics: Seven to eight percent will have PTSD at some point in their lifetimes. …
EEO Training, Employee Relations, Workplace Investigations, Supervisor TrainingAntisemitism is never acceptable. However, recent remarks by celebrities, athletes, and news networks have made antisemitism seem more commonplace, in all facets of life, including the workplace. Title VII makes it illegal to discriminate against someone based on, among other things, religion. However, this is one of the protected categories …
EEO Training, Employee Relations, Supervisor TrainingWant to reduce conflict, increase productivity, and limit absenteeism, turnover, and even removals? That’s impossible, you say. Maybe not, if you learn how to effectively manage individuals whose behavior repeatedly generates workplace conflict. This two-hour presentation teaches how to recognize employees with high-conflict personalities, whether it’s individuals who blame their peers …
Employee Relations, Supervisor TrainingManaging Chronic Performance and Conduct Issues
Whether it’s up-and-down roller coaster performers or repeat offenders of misconduct, chronically challenging employees eat up time, create workplace stress, and dampen productivity. And it will only get worse until you address the issue. FELTG President Deborah J. Hopkins shares the tools necessary to address performance issues and lays the …
Employee Relations, Supervisor TrainingWhether it’s a disgruntled employee or customer, or a domestic issue that follows an employee to work, workplaces are at a distinct risk of violent incidents. And that risk may be heightened when it’s a Federal workplace. How do you prepare yourself to protect the lives of those around you? …
EEO Training, Employee Relations, Supervisor Training, Private Sector TrainingSexual harassment is a term of art that while easy to allege, isn’t always easy to prove. However, just because something may not rise to the level of Title VII sexual harassment, doesn’t mean it’s not inappropriate or that it should be tolerated in the workplace. FELTG President Deborah Hopkins, …
EEO Training, Employee Relations, Supervisor TrainingThese are the Cases You Really Should Settle
We get it. You don’t want to look like you did something wrong. But here’s the thing: Settling a case does not mean there were flaws in your case, nor is it an admittance of liability or wrongdoing. This training will explain why so many disputes are settled and why …
EEO Training, Employee Relations, Litigation & AdvocacyWhen Domestic Violence Impacts the Workplace: Ensuring a Safe and Supportive Environment
Domestic violence significantly impacts the workplace. Nearly one in four women and one in nine men experience severe intimate partner physical violence, sexual violence, or stalking – and nearly three-quarters of those victims are harassed by their abuser at work. This leads to lost productivity, declining performance, and increased potential …
Employee Relations, Supervisor TrainingWouldn’t it be great if your first reaction to a reasonable accommodation request didn’t involve increased heartbeat, immediate beads of sweat, or fear? It doesn’t have to be that way. You can be the supervisor (or advisor) who sees the benefit of the interactive process and confidently navigates it to find a …
EEO Training, Employee Relations, Supervisor TrainingOn the surface, probationary periods seem rather simple. An employee is given a year to prove they are a good fit for the job, and if they aren’t, it’s an easy separation process, right? Generally, yes, but there can be challenges. What if you are unable to make an appropriate …
Employee Relations, Supervisor TrainingNumerous pitfalls can derail an agency’s disciplinary action, whether it’s suspension, demotion, or removal – and even make a bad situation worse. The most “effective and efficient” approach isn’t always traditional disciplinary action. This two-hour training explains why, how, and when to use numerous alternative actions, including not just clean …
Employee Relations, Litigation & Advocacy, Supervisor TrainingSay Whaaat?!? Respectful Communication in the Workplace
Subtle and overt language, joking, off-handed comments, and offensive comments and gestures can lead to a hostile work environment. And that includes ill-advised, even if not ill-intentioned, phrases such as “hold down the fort” and “low man on the totem pole.” Being a respectful communicator means more than just not …
EEO Training, Employee Relations, Supervisor Training, Private Sector TrainingAvailable:
By AppointmentUnraveling the Mysteries of Mixed Cases
“Who wrote this statute? Somebody who takes pleasure in pulling wings off flies?” The process for handling mixed cases has confused and frustrated many EEO practitioners, HR professionals, agency attorneys, and aggrieved employees – not to mention Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, author of the aforementioned quote. In this 60-minute …
EEO Training, Employee Relations, Litigation & AdvocacyAvailable:
By AppointmentEvery agency has employees who struggle with performance, but there is a reliable solution for addressing unacceptable performance. A successful Performance Demonstrate Period (DP) will either lead to sustained improved performance or a defensible performance-based removal or demotion. This fast-paced class guides you through the critical steps to reaching that …
Employee Relations, Supervisor TrainingAvailable:
By AppointmentWorkplace Investigations: Successfully Interviewing Witnesses With Mental and Behavioral Health Conditions
The most difficult and unpredictable part of the workplace investigation – conducting the interview – can be especially challenging when the witness has a behavioral or mental health condition, or violent tendencies. This course will explain temperament traits and personality disorders and provide a road map to help you understand how to …
EEO Training, Employee Relations, Workplace Investigations, Supervisor TrainingAvailable:
By AppointmentMisconduct Investigations: Get Them Right From the Start
Any effective misconduct investigation starts with a solid foundation of the law and an understanding of the full scope of your investigation. This class explains the principles that underpin a successful investigation of Federal employee misconduct, including harassment. You’ll leave with guidance on developing the investigation, from creating a plan …
EEO Training, Employee Relations, Workplace Investigations, Supervisor TrainingAvailable:
By AppointmentThere are numerous examples of investigations that have gone awry. It could be an investigator’s failure to interview certain witnesses, a failure to take a complainant’s statement into account, or, perhaps, an action, such as a widely shared email, that shows a lack of objectivity. This course will provide guidance …
EEO Training, Employee Relations, Workplace Investigations, Litigation & Advocacy, Supervisor TrainingAvailable:
By AppointmentNavigating the Morass of Mixed Cases
Few things create as much confusion among even experienced Federal attorneys, EEO specialists, or HR professionals as mixed cases. FELTG is here to help. This training untangles this often-complicated area when MSPB and EEOC both have potential jurisdiction over a case. What do you do when a mixed case lands …
EEO Training, Employee Relations, Litigation & AdvocacyAvailable:
By AppointmentThese are the Cases You Really Should Settle
We get it. You don’t want to look like you did something wrong. But here’s the thing: Settling a case does not mean there were flaws in your case, nor is it an admittance of liability or wrongdoing. This training will explain why so many disputes are settled and why …
EEO Training, Employee Relations, Litigation & AdvocacyAvailable:
By AppointmentDiscovery is a critical and effective part of any litigation – when conducted properly. Annoying and abusive discovery techniques could have negative consequences, and possibly even lead to sanctions. From disrespect and profanity in depositions to the other party refusing to produce requested documents, it’s important to be prepared for …
EEO Training, Employee Relations, Litigation & AdvocacyAvailable:
By AppointmentHandling Cases Before the MSPB, the EEOC, and in Arbitration: Best Practices for Representatives
Litigating cases in Federal sector employment law is a unique prospect and isn’t for the unprepared. In addition, taking a case to arbitration is also a world of its own. This training focuses on providing tips to practice effectively and successfully in administrative hearings before the MSPB, EEOC, and in …
EEO Training, Employee Relations, Labor Relations & Union Training, Litigation & AdvocacyAvailable:
By AppointmentWhether you’re representing your agency before the Merit Systems Protection Board or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, there is one ultimate goal: Win the case. This interactive course will prepare you for these kinds of hearings. Part 1: Developing a Theory In this session you’ll learn strategies for developing a …
EEO Training, Employee Relations, Litigation & AdvocacyAvailable:
By AppointmentConducting Effective Discovery
In the world of Federal employment law, discovery is an integral part of the litigation process. Discovery is your opportunity to obtain the information and documents that are critical to your case. But discovery is fraught with potential mistakes, some of which could lead to sanctions – or even cause …
EEO Training, Employee Relations, Litigation & AdvocacyAvailable:
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