Whether it’s a disgruntled employee or customer, or a domestic issue that follows an employee to work, workplaces are at a distinct risk of violent incidents. And that risk may be heightened when it’s a Federal workplace. How do you prepare yourself to protect the lives of those around you? …
EEO Training, Employee Relations, Supervisor Training, Private Sector TrainingHas your agency received any Pregnant Workers Fairness Act claims? Are you even aware of your responsibilities under the PWFA? Does the act create a new EEO category? How do pregnancy protections under the PWFA differ from those under Title VII or the Americans with Disabilities Act? This training will …
EEO Training, Litigation & Advocacy, Supervisor TrainingNumerous pitfalls can derail an agency’s disciplinary action, whether it’s suspension, demotion, or removal – and even make a bad situation worse. The most “effective and efficient” approach isn’t always traditional disciplinary action. This two-hour training explains why, how, and when to use numerous alternative actions, including not just clean …
Employee Relations, Litigation & Advocacy, Supervisor TrainingOn the surface, probationary periods seem rather simple. An employee is given a year to prove they are a good fit for the job, and if they aren’t, it’s an easy separation process, right? Generally, yes, but there can be challenges. What if you are unable to make an appropriate …
Employee Relations, Supervisor TrainingWouldn’t it be great if your first reaction to a reasonable accommodation request didn’t involve increased heartbeat, immediate beads of sweat, or fear? It doesn’t have to be that way. You can be the supervisor (or advisor) who sees the benefit of the interactive process and confidently navigates it to find a …
EEO Training, Employee Relations, Supervisor TrainingWriting Final Agency Decisions, Part I
A Final Agency Decision is appealable, by the complainant, to the EEOC. And EEOC case law is filled with reversals of agency FADs that found no discrimination. This class will teach you how to write an effective and defensible FAD, which requires thorough knowledge and understanding of discrimination law, as …
EEO Training, Litigation & AdvocacyWriting Final Agency Decisions, Part II
A Final Agency Decision is appealable, by the complainant, to the EEOC. And EEOC case law is filled with reversals of agency FADs that found no discrimination. This class will teach you how to write an effective and defensible FAD, which requires thorough knowledge and understanding of discrimination law, as …
EEO Training, Litigation & AdvocacyDiscovery is an integral part of the litigation process. It is your opportunity to gather the evidence and documents that are critical to your case. If only it were easy. This is, as a FELTG instructor once said, “the heavy lifting portion of litigation.” This two-hour presentation provides you with …
Litigation & AdvocacyA surprisingly large number of agency dismissals are overturned by the EEOC each year – and a remand years after the events in question can equal big problems when it comes to the investigation. This class covers all you need to know on when to accept, dismiss, and how to …
EEO Training, Litigation & AdvocacyA surprisingly large number of agency dismissals are overturned by the EEOC each year – and a remand years after the events in question can equal big problems when it comes to the investigation. This class covers all you need to know on when to accept, dismiss, and how to …
EEO Training, Litigation & AdvocacyWhen Domestic Violence Impacts the Workplace: Ensuring a Safe and Supportive Environment
Domestic violence significantly impacts the workplace. Nearly one in four women and one in nine men experience severe intimate partner physical violence, sexual violence, or stalking – and nearly three-quarters of those victims are harassed by their abuser at work. This leads to lost productivity, declining performance, and increased potential …
Employee Relations, Supervisor TrainingThese are the Cases You Really Should Settle
We get it. You don’t want to look like you did something wrong. But here’s the thing: Settling a case does not mean there were flaws in your case, nor is it an admittance of liability or wrongdoing. This training will explain why so many disputes are settled and why …
EEO Training, Employee Relations, Litigation & AdvocacySexual harassment is a term of art that while easy to allege, isn’t always easy to prove. However, just because something may not rise to the level of Title VII sexual harassment, doesn’t mean it’s not inappropriate or that it should be tolerated in the workplace. FELTG President Deborah Hopkins, …
EEO Training, Employee Relations, Supervisor TrainingMaybe you envision yourself donning a Sherlock Holmes hat and cape. Or, perhaps, your model is the masterful Benoit Blanc of Knives Out Mystery fame. If only the work of a Federal administrative investigation was as easy as these fictional detectives make their jobs seem. Instead, there are more than …
Employee Relations, Supervisor TrainingManaging Chronic Performance and Conduct Issues
Whether it’s up-and-down roller coaster performers or repeat offenders of misconduct, chronically challenging employees eat up time, create workplace stress, and dampen productivity. And it will only get worse until you address the issue. FELTG President Deborah J. Hopkins shares the tools necessary to address performance issues and lays the …
Employee Relations, Supervisor TrainingWant to reduce conflict, increase productivity, and limit absenteeism, turnover, and even removals? That’s impossible, you say. Maybe not, if you learn how to effectively manage individuals whose behavior repeatedly generates workplace conflict. This two-hour presentation teaches how to recognize employees with high-conflict personalities, whether it’s individuals who blame their peers …
Employee Relations, Supervisor TrainingAvoiding Pitfalls: Advice from an EEOC AJ
Be prepared. Be on time. Be civil. These are fairly basic expectations. Yet, they’re often forgotten once parties enter the EEO process. And once in the process, the potential pitfalls only increase. EEOC Administrative Judge Meghan Droste discusses the common mistakes agencies make, from missing important deadlines to missing the …
EEO Training, Litigation & Advocacy, Supervisor TrainingAntisemitism is never acceptable. However, recent remarks by celebrities, athletes, and news networks have made antisemitism seem more commonplace, in all facets of life, including the workplace. Title VII makes it illegal to discriminate against someone based on, among other things, religion. However, this is one of the protected categories …
EEO Training, Employee Relations, Supervisor TrainingAvoiding Mistakes in Selection and Promotion Cases
The selection and promotion process is an emotional one, especially for those who aren’t selected. If you’re a federal EEO practitioner or supervisor, chances are you’ve had a case where an employee alleges that she was not selected or promoted because of something other than job qualifications – race, sex, …
EEO Training, Litigation & Advocacy, Supervisor TrainingThe Role of the Douglas Factors in Arbitration
When faced with a case involving appealable adverse actions, an arbitrator must apply the same substantive standards as the Merit Systems Protection Board. The arbitrator must decide whether discipline was appropriate, and also assess whether the agency considered the relevant factors in determining the penalty. Just like an MSPB judge, the arbitrator …
Labor Relations & Union Training, Litigation & Advocacy, Supervisor TrainingWinning EEO Cases Through Summary Judgment
The EEOC allows parties to file motions for summary judgment, potentially eliminating the need for a time-consuming, expensive, and risky hearing. Yet, many agencies fail to take advantage of this opportunity. During this 60-minute webinar, FELTG Instructor Katherine Atkinson explains the importance of the Report of Investigation and thorough discovery, …
EEO Training, Litigation & AdvocacyDamages and Remedies in Federal Sector EEO Cases
A principal rule in findings of discrimination is to, as nearly as possible, place the victim in the position that person would have occupied but for the discrimination. This is easier said than done, because there’s no way to undo the harm caused by illegal employment discrimination. Even still, damages and remedies …
EEO Training, Litigation & Advocacy5 USC 7112 of the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute defines the types of positions that must be excluded from the bargaining units. But in the modern workforce, those definitions aren’t always that clear. In this 60-minute webinar, FELTG Instructor Ann Boehm takes you through how to not only identify …
Labor Relations & Union Training, Supervisor TrainingIn this 60-minute webinar, FELTG instructor Ann Boehm identifies and discusses when the law requires your agency to provide the union an opportunity to be involved in discussions, focusing on the requirements for a meeting to be considered a formal discussion, the union’s rights and responsibilities when it comes to …
Labor Relations & Union Training, Supervisor TrainingFor many, it’s the most difficult and unpredictable part of the workplace investigation — conducting the interview. This is especially the case when the witness has suffered trauma. And it’s likely to happen, considering these sobering statistics: Seven to eight percent will have PTSD at some point in their lifetimes. …
EEO Training, Employee Relations, Workplace Investigations, Supervisor TrainingA reference to dinosaurs, a joke about retirement, or a snide “OK Boomer” – nothing wrong with that if it’s just in fun, right? Wrong! And if you think those are the only actions that’ll lead to an age discrimination claim, you’re wrong again. Join Attorney and FELTG Instructor Meghan …
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