Ask FELTG: Do I Have MSPB Appeal Rights If I’m Subjected to a RIF?
December 11, 2024
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This query came in from a Title V employee. For those readers not familiar, a RIF is a Reduction in Force, which is a non-disciplinary action an agency takes when it eliminates a person’s job because of a legitimate reason (such as budget).
The answer to your question will depend on your employment category.
If you are a career employee who is not a member of a collective bargaining unit, then you have the right to appeal the RIF to the Merit Systems Protection Board if you believe the agency did not properly follow RIF procedures (for example, you did not receive 60 days advance notification of the RIF). 5 CFR 351.901.
If you are a bargaining unit employee under 5 U.S.C. 7121, and RIFs are not explicitly excluded by your collective bargaining agreement, then you must use the negotiated grievance procedure to challenge the RIF.
If you are a member of the Senior Executive Service, then 5 U.S.C. 3595(c) provides you with MSPB appeal rights over a RIF, under 5 U.S.C. 7701. This applies to career appointees, whether they are probationers or post-probationers.
OPM has a helpful guide about RIF procedures, which are usually incredibly complex, labor-intensive, and time-consuming. It remains to be seen whether RIFs will be happening in any type of grand scale, but if so the sheer amount of work means it’s not likely to happen quickly. [email protected]
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