Please Enjoy Our Holiday Edition 


It’s hard to believe that we’re just a few short weeks away from the end of the year – and what a year it’s been. We have been busy with virtual training, but also back on the road quite a bit; some of my favorite onsite trainings have been in locations including Yellowstone, Monterey, Coeur d’Alene (pictured here), Anchorage, and Walla Walla, just to name a few.

We’ve already got a lot on the calendar in 2024 so check it out, or if you’d like one of our instructors to come to you, we can send you details on how to make that happen. Thanks for being such wonderful Federal employees, FELTG readers. We wouldn’t be here without you.

In the last full newsletter of 2023, we are embracing a holiday theme, discussing bad behavior at parties, allegations of holiday decorations being discriminatory, and XYZ.

Have a happy holiday season,

Take care,

Deborah J. Hopkins, FELTG President