The Pendulum is On the Move

We’re exactly three weeks into a new administration, and to say that things have changed is an understatement. Regardless of where you fall on the political ideology spectrum, or how you feel about executive actions, the whiplash is real.

This edition of the newsletter highlights some of the significant changes that are occurring in the Federal government, as a result of a new president whose philosophy on just about everything, is diametrically opposed to the previous president’s. There is always a bit of shock when a new President takes over, more so when the governing political party changes. The shock seems more pronounced this time around. Perhaps there is more change than usual, or perhaps the memories of previous transitions have faded.

Regardless, it’s February and the new administration is charging ahead. Things are hopping at FELTG, especially as we incorporate the Biden Executive Orders into our training programs. See elsewhere in this newsletter for some of the upcoming highlights. Meanwhile, you’ll find articles on whether saying “All Lives Matter” creates a hostile work environment, what led to an EEO Director’s removal, and much more. 

Take care,

Deborah J. Hopkins, FELTG President

Does Saying ‘All Lives Matter’ Create a Hostile Work Environment?

Last summer, at the height of the Black Lives Matters protests, the U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC) issued guidance on whether Federal employees ...

Focused on Mission and the American People: An Effective Federal Workforce

Let’s be honest. The past administration did not hold any particular fondness for Federal employees. We can start with the whole “Drain the Swamp�...

Don't Abuse the Abuse of Process Dismissal

Happy February, FELTG readers! Although a certain rodent recently predicted six more weeks of winter, I know I have already turned my thoughts to spri...

As Forecast, Flurry of Executive Orders Accumulate for Federal Workplace

Winter has made its presence known this year. Here in the Northeast, my friends and family have had the pleasure of receiving more snow in one storm t...

Pop Goes the Mountweazel: Find the Roadblocks to Swift, Effective Action

Mountweazel. I just love this word. I discovered it last week as I was reading Liar’s Dictionary, a new novel by Eley Williams. Neither a steep scal...

Tips from the Other Side: Understanding the Religious Accommodation Process

This month, we continue our look at religious accommodations. As I mentioned last month, while there are some similarities with accommodating disabili...

Is Whistleblowing Different Under a Biden Administration?

We have a new President in the White House, there’s something you may not have realized: He sees things differently than the last guy who occupied 1...