How Did You Spend Presidents Day This Year?

Presidents Day was originally established in 1879 to celebrate George Washington’s birthday (Feb. 22, 1732). It has since evolved to celebrate all of our country’s presidents.

With how polarized our politics have become, it’s hard to imagine all Americans coming together to celebrate all United States presidents and their service to the American people. Did you find a way to celebrate this year?

And, is there anything government-related that’s not polarizing? Yes, in fact: The need to stay on top of the latest in Federal employment law. From revisiting existing accommodations to conducting effective workplace investigations, we’ve got dozens of classes on the schedule to keep you compliant.

Speaking of revisiting reasonable accommodations, we cover the topic in this month’s newsletter, along with articles on progressive discipline, medical documentation, and preventing workplace violence.

Take care,

Deborah J. Hopkins, FELTG President