Keeping Perspective in 2020
I’ve lived in Washington DC for eight years. Every now and then, though admittedly not often enough, I take the time to embark on an adventure or see a sight available in my neighborhood. So on a recent blustery Sunday afternoon, I did something I’ve only done once before: I took a trip up the Washington Monument to see how the city has changed since my last trip up, in 2014.
There are dozens of new condo buildings, of course, a fancy new waterfront neighborhood and a new sports stadium. (Buzzard Point sure looks different than it used to!) But some of the enduring symbols of America look exactly the same as they have for more years than any of us have been alive. The stately pillars of the Lincoln Memorial at the end of the reflecting pool; the museums lining the National Mall; the flag flying atop the White House; and the iconic dome of the Capitol building, topped with the statue Freedom. And from this perspective, 500 feet above all the divisive things happening in this city, across the country and around the globe, I hold on to hope that America will continue to endure as she has for over 243 years.
And now I invite you to read FELTG’s first newsletter of the decade, with articles on Douglas factors, poorly-written performance standards, EEO document receipt timing pitfalls, workplace resolutions, and more.
Happy New Year,
Deborah J. Hopkins, FELTG President