Open Offices (and Telework) Are Going the Way of the Dinosaur
Last week, I was reading an article in Inc. magazine about workplace fads that have come and gone. Apparently one fad that’s on its way out is the open office concept. It turns out that having an open office actually decreases employee productivity and collaboration: the more open the office the less human interaction coworkers actually have with one another, and the more they rely on texting and instant messaging to communicate.
Another trend that seems to be on its way out, especially in the federal government, is telework. A number of agencies are drastically reducing the amount of telework employees are allowed to use, regardless of productivity, causing lots of kicking and screaming from employees and unions, as telework and flexible work schedules are one of the most powerful recruitment tools employers can use to woo new employees. It will be interesting to see how this all shakes out.
In the meantime, how about some summer reading? This month’s newsletter has articles an accountability, marijuana use by federal employees, EEO deadlines, performance standards and reasonable accommodation, and more.
Take care,
Deborah J. Hopkins, FELTG President