EEOC Guidance on Vaccine Requirements

I don’t want to add up how many times we’ve written about COVID-19 over the past 15 months. I know without asking that we’re all fatigued and ready for the pandemic’s end and a return to whatever “normal” will be. While the case numbers are going down overall, research indicates that infections, hospitalizations and death rates are still high among unvaccinated individuals, and those not previously infected.

The EEOC recently issued guidance for employers on vaccines, including whether employers are allowed to mandate employee vaccinations, and what to do if an employee requests an exemption for medical or religious reasons. This is an emerging issue, and as agencies finalize return to work plans, questions about vaccines will be at the forefront. So, on July 12 we’re hosting a 60-minute webinar that will answer all your most pressing questions: Vexing Vaccine Requirements: Responding to Requests for Exemptions. We hope you’ll join us.

In this month’s newsletter we cover topics including EEO reprisal, effective leadership, and more.

Take care,

Deborah J. Hopkins, FELTG President

EEOC’s Guidance for Vaccines and Returning to Work

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