Life in the Time of Coronavirus

Unless you’ve been without Wi-Fi or cable for the last two months, you’ve heard of the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19. Last week, the World Health Organization categorized the virus as a global pandemic, disrupting normal life in the US, and around the world.

FELTG is staying on top of recommendations from the health experts, and because safety is priority, our in-person classroom training is postponed for the next 30 days. We promise to keep you posted, in the newsletter and on LinkedIn and Twitter.

In the meantime, we are announcing the FELTG Virtual Training Institute’s first-ever live training event, Emerging Issues in Federal Employment Law, April 21-23, and you can attend from wherever you are, agency office or home, from your government computer or personal device. This three-day event includes sessions from your favorite instructors on current issues that don’t go away even during a global pandemic. Join us for one session, or attend them all.

FELTG also has a number of upcoming webinars, which teleworkers can attend from home, and we are also available to provide webinars to specific agencies, on any of our training topics, as an alternative to traditional onsite training.

In this month’s newsletter, we tackle generic performance standards, leave myths, improper medical inquiries, investigations, and more.

Take care out there,

Deborah J. Hopkins, FELTG President


Managing the Workplace During the Coronavirus Pandemic

First, it was the guidance from the Office of Personnel Management less than two weeks ago. And then as last week ended, the White House recommended t...

Do You Believe These Myths About Leave?

If you are part of the FELTG Nation, you probably already know that federal employees have significant rights to various types of leave. In fact, star...

The Good News – Investigations are the Fun Part!

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock for the last 30 years, chances are that at some point you have watched an episode of Law and Order. (And if y...

You and What Army?

Way back in January 2018, which feels like a lifetime ago at a time when every day brings at least 20 urgent news alerts and many more times as many t...

Tips from the Other Side: March 2020

I imagine many of you are spending fair amount of time right now refreshing your online news source of choice for updates on COVID-19. There’s no do...