Blind Hiring: Bad Name, Good Idea?


I was recently discussing a hiring technique with another FELTG instructor: blind hiring, sometimes known as blind interviewing. Despite the problematic name, this is a hiring technique that blocks out candidates’ names, ages, and sometimes other factors, so that hiring officials are influenced only by a candidate’s merit.

The goal of blind hiring is to eliminate any known or unconscious bias from the hiring process, and it’s a way some agencies are promoting the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA) mandates required by the White House. It’s also a topic we’ll be discussing during the April 5 virtual training class Nondiscriminatory Hiring in the Federal Workplace.

In this month’s newsletter we discuss the purpose of suspensions, settlement agreements, harassment misconduct investigations, and much more.

Take care,


Deborah J. Hopkins, FELTG President