The Evolving Meaning of Words


In just about every language, the meaning of words and phrases can evolve over time. So when I recently perused an article titled 10 Passive-Aggressive Phrases to Avoid in the Digital Workplace, I was surprised – and mildly dismayed – to learn some of the things I write in emails have fallen out of favor and are considered passive-aggressive, including:

·       Thanks in advance

·       Putting [name] on CC for reference

·       Re-attaching for your convenience

Legal definitions, regulations and case law also evolve over time and at FELTG we are here to give you the very latest, most updated information, so your work doesn’t end up in a news article some day about what not to do in the workplace. Please check out our upcoming trainings and register for what works for you.

The September FELTG newsletter addresses recent MSPB reversals of AJ mitigations, the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, confidentiality of medical records, stress and workers’ comp, and retirement misinformation.

Take care,

Deborah J. Hopkins, FELTG President

The Good News: The PWFA Is Good for Employees and Easy for Agencies

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