April 2024 Federal Employment Law Training Group Newsletter

Exciting Times Ahead

Here at FELTG, we are excited, nay thrilled, to announce we’ll soon be launching a brand-new website that’s easier to navigate and more user-friendly. A few features you might enjoy:

  • A new logo and color scheme.
  • The ability to register and pay for a class directly from the website (yes, really!).
  • An updated course catalog that can be filtered by training category, class length, and topic.

We’re aiming for an early summer launch and can’t wait to see what you think about it. Our hope is that it makes life a whole lot easier! In the meantime, you can register for all our upcoming classes, including Emerging Issues in Federal Employment Law, Conducting Effective Harassment Investigations, FLRA Law Week, and more.


In this month’s newsletter, we discuss cases involving employee sexual misconduct, formal discussions and Weingarten meetings, clean record agreements, the “coming and going” rule, and the dangers of changing an existing reasonable accommodation.

Take care,

Deborah J. Hopkins, FELTG President

The Clean Record Provision is Not Always So Clean

By Dan Gephart, April 15, 2024 If you’re thinking of using a clean record provision to settle a potentially expensive and litigious employment law situation, you’re not alone. But while clean record agreements are a popular alternative disciplinary tool, they are not...

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Changing an Existing Accommodation is STILL a Terrible Idea

By Deborah J. Hopkins, April 15, 2024 In this newsletter, we’ve talked about the “coming and going rule” and an agency’s responsibility in the workers’ comp arena. In previous newsletters, we’ve discussed the dangers of altering an existing accommodation. On a related...

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