And Now a Word With … Ambassador Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley

By Dan Gephart, August 23, 2021 A year ago, the concept of “diversity training” was as welcome in the Federal workplace as a squirrel at a dog park. But it’s now been almost seven months since President Joe Biden took office and immediately issued two Executive Orders...

Listen and Learn: How to Be an LGBTQ+ Ally in the Workplace

By Dan Gephart, June 16, 2021 On his first day in office, President Biden made diversity and equity a key initiative, and he made it clear that he expects the Federal workplace to lead the way. So it’s no surprise then that the first week of the Pride Month this year...

And Now a Word With … Dr. Anthony Marchese, on Performance

By Dan Gephart, October 6, 2020 Gourds, pumpkin spice, a slight nip in the air, falling leaves. It’s all a reminder for many supervisors that it’s time to start working on those end-of-the-year performance reviews. Many federal employees will be getting feedback on...

And Now a Word With … Dr. Anthony Marchese

By Dan Gephart, February 11, 2020 The third page of the Partnership for Public Service report released last week explicitly hinged the federal workforce’s future success on agencies’ ability to do four things: Collaborate internally. Work closely together with other...

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