After Going Through Legal Hoops, Fed’s Worker Comp Case Rebounds

By Frank Ferreri, June 10, 2024 Anyone who’s hooped it up on the hardwood or the playgrounds for years and years has probably felt the aches and pains that come with being a middle-aged baller. For a 57-year-old airway transportation systems specialist, however, a...

Should I Stay or Should I Go? Either Way, Workers’ Comp Rule Applies

By Frank Ferreri, April 15, 2024 For those of us who don’t work remotely 100 percent of the time, getting to and from work, with possible stops along the way, comes with the risk of getting injured. To handle the “what ifs” in the world of going to and coming home...

When Sexual Harassment Turns Into a Workers’ Comp Claim

By Frank Ferreri, March 11, 2024 If you read our pre-Valentine’s Day piece on sexual harassment, you are aware the wrong kinds of advances can lead to EEO headaches. But did you know sexual harassment may also lead to a compensable injury under the Federal Employees’...

Valentine’s Day Advances Should Not Be in the Cards

By Frank Ferreri, February 12, 2024 In December, we ran a cautionary piece on the Title VII perils of taking season’s greetings a bit too far. This month’s holiday raises additional Title VII concerns, albeit for different reasons. The following cases from...

5 ECAB Decisions Reveal How Workers’ Comp Overpayment Happens

By Frank Ferreri, Jan. 17, 2024 For a variety of reasons, some benign and others more sinister, Federal employees may wind up on the receiving end of a workers’ compensation overpayment. What happens when the Employees’ Compensation Appeals Board decides that a...

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