Deep-fried Cubicle Chicken, Naked Employees and Unwritten Rules

By Dan Gephart, December 11, 2019 Here at FELTG, we like to make things as easy as possible, especially when it comes to discipline. The slide that introduces the elements of the discipline portion of our flagship supervisory training course, UnCivil Servant: Holding...

Do You Really Want to Give a Poor Performer the 5-Star Lyft?

By Dan Gephart, November 13, 2019 John Horton knows which rating you gave your last Uber driver. Horton isn’t a mind reader. He’s a professor at New York University, and he studies online marketplaces. His research found that most Uber/Lyft customers give their...

And Now a Word With … James Read

By Dan Gephart, November 5, 2019 Last month, we talked with MSPB General Counsel Tristan Leavitt about the adjudicatory and other work that the 200-plus employee agency continues to do despite not having any Board members since February. It’s a few weeks later...

Supreme Court Hears Arguments on Gender Stereotyping Cases

By Dan Gephart, October 16, 2019 The Supreme Court decision in Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins, 490 U.S. 228 (1989) made it clear that Title VII not only protects employees from being treated differently based on their sex. It also protects employees from being treated...

Civil Service Update: October 2019

By Dan Gephart, September 18, 2019 Welcome to FY 2020. Didn’t it feel like we spent most of the previous fiscal year waiting? Waiting for new Merit Systems Protection Board members to be confirmed. Waiting for some type of resolution on the portion of President...

And Now a Word With … Tristan Leavitt

By Dan Gephart, October 1, 2019 More than 200 employees work for the Merit Systems Protection Board in numerous regional and field offices across the country. But it’s the three offices that sit empty at the Board’s Washington, D.C., headquarters that have...

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