Why Do We Suggest You Put a Douglas Analysis in the Proposal Letter?

By Dan Gephart, September 18, 2019 Here at FELTG laboratories, we create training that teaches the no-nonsense way of doing things, especially as it pertains to handling misconduct. You know the saying that the straight line is the quickest and easiest way to get...

And Now a Word With … The Hatch Act Unit

By Dan Gephart, September 10, 2019 It’s always interesting when federal employment law makes its way into mainstream conversation. After Kellyanne Conway’s failure to understand and comply with the Hatch Act made headlines, people who have yet to figure...

Create a Healthy Environment for Employees with Mental Disabilities

By Dan Gephart, August 14, 2019 Two mass shootings earlier this month left America shaken. After the horrific event in El Paso, we went to bed saddened, only to wake to news of similar violence in Dayton. The aftermath of these tragedies is as predictable as the...

Are They Going to Regret Leaving?

By Dan Gephart, July 17, 2019 It was 24 years ago this month, and I vividly remember that heart-pounding march from the desk I shared with a fellow reporter to the Editor’s office. The newsroom boss — we’ll call him X – was very talented. He was even more...

And Now a Word With … Steve Shih

By Dan Gephart, July 2, 2019 On Feb. 1, 2018, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration launched a workplace anti-harassment campaign. The campaign was based on the applicable federal laws, EEO guidance on anti-harassment, and the expertise of its creator...

Knock, Knock. Who’s There? The Efficiency of the Service.

By Dan Gephart, June 12, 2019 Since Father’s Day is this Sunday, I think it’s probably the safest time for me to come clean about an embarrassing habit. I tell Dad jokes. I mean, I tell Dad jokes a lot. My sons were barely teenagers before they developed an...

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