Changing an Existing Accommodation is STILL a Terrible Idea

By Deborah J. Hopkins, April 15, 2024 In this newsletter, we’ve talked about the “coming and going rule” and an agency’s responsibility in the workers’ comp arena. In previous newsletters, we’ve discussed the dangers of altering an existing accommodation. On a related...

When an Employee Pulls Out a Knife During a PIP Meeting…

By Deborah J. Hopkins, March 19, 2024 For over two decades, we at FELTG have preached the delicacy and strategy required when charging an appellant with misconduct that requires proof of intent. A recent case shows us how problematic this 6-letter word (i-n-t-e-n-t)...

Luck of the Irish? Not in These Findings of No Discrimination

By Deborah J. Hopkins, March 11, 2024 Just about every week, FELTG instructors talk to supervisors who are concerned about, and even afraid of, EEO complaints being filed against them. We tell them that while the fear is real, the majority of EEO complaints result in...

Agency Clarifies a Vague Standard During PIP

By Deborah J. Hopkins, March 11, 2024 We get a lot of questions about how a supervisor can effectively address unacceptable performance when an employee’s performance standards are written in a vague or subjective manner. In fact, vague standards are probably one of...

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