Three Things to Know in the Civil Service This Month

FELTG Nation: Here are three recent happenings you should know about:

  1. Last week, the Senate confirmed Susan Tsui Grundmann to be a Member at the Federal Labor Relations Authority. There are now two Democrats and one Republican on the FLRA. As a result, we anticipate a significant change in philosophy – and in the outcome of FLRA decisions.
  2. On May 12, the MSPB issued a decision confirming that the Santos v. NASA requirement to prove unacceptable performance before a PIP is retroactive to the Petitions for Review in the backlog. Expect a lot of remands in the coming months.
  3. The EEOC and DOJ are looking into potential disability discrimination when employers use artificial intelligence (AI) and other software tools to make employment decisions. They released a technical assistance document in attempt to prevent discrimination from occurring.

This month’s newsletter discusses a supervisor who filed a hostile environment harassment claim against an employee, why hybrid doesn’t have to be a bummer, the meaning of nexus, and more.

Take care,

Deborah J. Hopkins, FELTG President

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