And Now a Word With … New MSPB Vice Chair Raymond Limon

By Dan Gephart, March 21, 2022 It’s just four words, but we are so thankful that we won’t have to include them in any more presentations or articles about the Merit Systems Protection Board. I’m talking about, of course, “lack of a quorum.” On March 1, the Senate...

Supervisors: To Avoid a Hurdle, Think of Wordle

By Dan Gephart, March 15, 2022 If you’ve been on email, text, or social media in the past couple of months, you’ve undoubtedly seen those ubiquitous green, yellow, and black squares. Maybe someone you know is obsessed with Wordle or, maybe you’re the one obsessed. Or,...

Ambulance Company Fails to Respond Properly to Harassment Allegation

By Dan Gephart, February 15, 2022 Within 24 hours of receiving an unwelcome picture of a sexual nature from a coworker, EMT Andrea Vasquez was fired. For sexual harassment. How does something like that happen? Vasquez v. Express Ambulance Service, 835 F.3d 267 (2d...

Questionable Hiring Decision Leads to Bad Behavior in HR Office

By Barbara Haga, February 15, 2022 In August 2020, I wrote about a case involving an HR official who sent racists texts about other employees to subordinates, which the subordinates reported. Jenkins v. Department of Transportation, No. 2019-2075 (Fed. Cir. Aug. 6,...

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