The Good News: A Cheat Sheet to Help Overcome the Office of Folklore!

By Ann Boehm, January 14, 2020 Those of you who attend FELTG training and read our newsletters know that supervisors regularly tell us, “These are great ideas, but our HR staff or counsel won’t let us do this.”  I have come to realize that it is not the fault of the...

The Good News: Good Leadership Does Make a Difference

By Ann Boehm, November 13, 2019 In case you hadn’t heard, the Washington Nationals won the World Series!! Sorry Astros fans, but DC really needed this.  Now that I’ve almost recovered from the daily fog of staying up too late to watch seven baseball games, I’ve had...

The Good News: Finally, an End to the Table of Penalties!?!

By Ann Boehm, October 16, 2019 Employee relations specialists, supervisors, and attorneys at agencies all around the country have one thing in common – they love, love, love their agency’s Table of Penalties.  And I just don’t get it. When I became Chief of Discipline...

The Good News: At Last, Successful Last Rites Agreements

By Ann Boehm, September 18, 2019 In many training sessions, we suggest that agencies consider a “Last Rites” Agreement to handle problem employees. In my experience, despite our encouragement, many agencies still don’t use this effective tool. Finally, however, I...

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