Generic Standards that Fail to Measure Performance Effectively

By Barbara Haga, March 19, 2020 I’ve written about conduct issues making it into performance plans when those matters should be dealt with through other means, but there are other problems that we should address. This month, I’ll address generic standards. I am not...

You Can’t Be Halfway Pregnant, and Informal Discipline is Not a Thing

By Deborah Hopkins and William Wiley, February 19, 2020 Have you ever heard this saying: You can’t be halfway pregnant   — either you are, or you aren’t? There are a number of things in life that are all or nothing, with no halfway. Either it is, or it isn’t....

A New Goofus and Gallant Navigate the Hatch Act

By Dan Gephart, February 19, 2020 As a young child, I never dreaded a trip to the doctor’s office because that meant I would get my hands on an issue of Highlights for Children. I’d flip right past that boring Timbertoe family and dive into the latest adventures of...

How About Standards That Actually Measure Performance?

By Barbara Haga, January 14, 2020 I’ve looked at quite a few performance plans recently and I keep seeing the same problems showing up. Performance plans full of boilerplate measures that deal with what should be conduct issues, lists of tasks with no discussion of...

Cook, McCauley, and Savage: What if AWOL is Involved?

By Barbara Haga, December 11, 2019 This month we are looking at Cook cases from another angle.  What are the charges when there is AWOL included in the time off? Here is a scenario that a former class participant inquired about: In 2018, Employee X was on 154 hours of...

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