And Now a Word With … EEOC Commissioner Kalpana Kotagal

By Dan Gephart, April 1, 2024 The most recent addition to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has vast experience in DEIA issues, including co-authoring the Oscar ceremony-famous “Inclusion Rider” (more on that later). When Commissioner Kalpana Kotagal agreed...

Use These Tips to Improve Your Douglas Factor Analysis

By Dan Gephart, March 11, 2024 With the constant changes in Federal employment law over the last several years, it’s sometimes easy to forget not only how useful the Douglas factors are when determining a reasonable penalty for employee misconduct, but also how long...

Violence Prevention Measures Necessary in These Dangerous Times

By Dan Gephart, February 20, 2024 If it feels like a dangerous time for Feds, that’s because it is. Attorney General Merrick Garland warned earlier this year about a “deeply disturbing spike” in threats against Federal workers. A few weeks after Garland’s...

And Now a Word With … FCA Chairman/CEO Vincent Logan

By Dan Gephart, January 23, 2024 It’s been said many times — and then many more times: For DEIA efforts to be successful, organizations need support from top leadership. For how that looks in the Federal sector, one needs only to see what’s happening with the...

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