Managing the Workplace During the Coronavirus Pandemic

By Dan Gephart, March 19, 2020 First, it was the guidance from the Office of Personnel Management less than two weeks ago. And then as last week ended, the White House recommended that agencies ensure continuity of operations and keep their employees safe by expanding...

And Now a Word With … OSC’s Louis Lopez

By Dan Gephart, March 3, 2020 Last week, the “Make it Safe Coalition” sent a letter to Congressional leaders with this ominous warning: The Whistleblower Protection Act “is at a severe risk of complete breakdown” and “on the verge of...

A New Goofus and Gallant Navigate the Hatch Act

By Dan Gephart, February 19, 2020 As a young child, I never dreaded a trip to the doctor’s office because that meant I would get my hands on an issue of Highlights for Children. I’d flip right past that boring Timbertoe family and dive into the latest adventures of...

And Now a Word With … Dr. Anthony Marchese

By Dan Gephart, February 11, 2020 The third page of the Partnership for Public Service report released last week explicitly hinged the federal workforce’s future success on agencies’ ability to do four things: Collaborate internally. Work closely together with other...

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