And Now Another Word With … Steve Shih

By Dan Gephart, July 30, 2019 Anyone who has ever attended a mediocre leadership training has surely heard the story of the Janitor and the President. Per the legend, President John F. Kennedy was touring NASA in the agency’s early days when he came upon a man...

Are They Going to Regret Leaving?

By Dan Gephart, July 17, 2019 It was 24 years ago this month, and I vividly remember that heart-pounding march from the desk I shared with a fellow reporter to the Editor’s office. The newsroom boss — we’ll call him X – was very talented. He was even more...

And Now a Word With … Steve Shih

By Dan Gephart, July 2, 2019 On Feb. 1, 2018, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration launched a workplace anti-harassment campaign. The campaign was based on the applicable federal laws, EEO guidance on anti-harassment, and the expertise of its creator...

Knock, Knock. Who’s There? The Efficiency of the Service.

By Dan Gephart, June 12, 2019 Since Father’s Day is this Sunday, I think it’s probably the safest time for me to come clean about an embarrassing habit. I tell Dad jokes. I mean, I tell Dad jokes a lot. My sons were barely teenagers before they developed an...

And Now a Word With … James Abbott

By Dan Gephart, June 4, 2019 In a decision earlier this year, the Federal Labor Relation Authority, to the delight of labor relations practitioners government-wide, reaffirmed a seminal decision from 2018, emphasizing the statutory distinction between conditions of...

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