Year in Review: Top FELTG Newsletter Stories of 2023

By Dan Gephart, December 12, 2023 FELTG Nation, welcome to another year-end News Flash, where we reveal the two most popular FELTG newsletter stories (based on the number of reads and forwards) for each month of 2023. This is our fifth year in this format, which...

Gather Around the Festivus Pole and Settle Up Your Grievances

By Dan Gephart, December 4, 2023 There is one particular holiday taking place this month that seems especially apt for the current state of labor-management relations in the American workplace. Of course, I’m talking about Festivus, the holiday famously celebrated...

Talking ’Bout My (And Others’) Generations in the Workplace

By Dan Gephart, November 13, 2023 I used to be skeptical when people talked about generational differences in the workplace. I thought it was an over-generalization. I’ve since gained an appreciation for the data and how it can improve everything from performance...

And Now a Word With … OPM Deputy Director Rob Shriver

By Dan Gephart, November 6, 2023 As his term wound down three years ago, then-President Donald Trump signed an Executive Order that created a new category of Federal employees called Schedule F, much to the dismay of numerous Federal employees, unions, good government...

Was Employee Being Honest With Her Agency? Not Even Remotely

By Dan Gephart, October 16, 2023 Sen. Joni Ernst is clearly not a fan of remote work. She recently accused Federal teleworkers of “fraud.” Dig beyond the headline and you’ll see many of Ernst’s claims were based on outdated reports. But she may have been onto...

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