Tips from the Other Side: Practicing Employment Law Virtually

By Meghn Droste, April 15, 2020 Much  has changed since our last FELTG newsletter. Many of us are staying at home now and with that, far more employees are teleworking than probably any other time before.  All of this teleworking brings new questions, more challenges,...

Tips from the Other Side: March 2020

By Meghan Droste, March 19, 2020 I imagine many of you are spending fair amount of time right now refreshing your online news source of choice for updates on COVID-19. There’s no doubt that this is a stressful and possibly scary time, with a lot of unknowns about how...

Tips From the Other Side: February 2020

By Meghan Droste, February 19, 2020 When counseling clients on how to proceed in their cases, I recommend requesting a hearing rather than a Final Agency Decision (FAD) far more often than not. Why? Well, as I point out to my clients, a FAD is an agency deciding...

Tips From the Other Side: January 2020

By Meghan Droste, January 15, 2020 In addition to representing federal employees (and having the pleasure of teaching many courses with FELTG), I spend about half of my time representing private sector and local government employees.  This gives me an interesting...

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