Latest OWCP COVID-19 Guidance Tackles Continuation of Pay

By Frank Ferreri, March 15, 2022 As with just about everything employment-related, COVID-19 continues to have a shifting impact on the federal workers’ compensation landscape, with the Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs pivoting in its guidance to meet the...

The Year in Review: Top FELTG Newsletter Stories of 2021

By Dan Gephart, Training Director Since 2018, our year-end News Flash has unveiled the most popular FELTG newsletter stories (based on the number of reads and forwards) of the previous 12 months. Usually, our most-read stories mirror FELTG Nation’s deep interest in...

OWCP Covers ARPA Steps, Definitions for COVID-19 Workers’ Comp Claims

By Frank Ferreri, May 19, 2021 With the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) looking to make it easier for Federal employees diagnosed with COVID-19 to file workers’ compensation claims, the Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs has put together updated guidance for...

New ARPA Presumption Expands Federal Workers’ Comp Coverage

By Frank Ferreri, April 20, 2021 The one constant that has emerged in the COVID-19 era is that things will change, and such has been the case with Federal workers’ compensation coverage. Early on in the pandemic, the Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs made it...

Requiring Vaccinations? Follow EEOC Steps to Avoid Discrimination

By Frank Ferreri, January 11, 2021 Notable federal employees — like the National Institute of Health’s Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins – have rolled up their sleeves for the COVID-19 vaccine, signaling the start of another “new normal” sure to define 2021:...

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