Tips from the Other Side, Part 8

By Meghan Droste, August 15, 2018 A certain coffee and pastry chain that originated in the great Commonwealth of Massachusetts, from which I also hail, advertises that America runs on its products.  While I imagine that a good chunk of the federal workforce is well...

Tips from the Other Side, Part 7

By Meghan Droste, July 18, 2018 At the time that I am writing this, I am in the midst of preparing to travel to Japan to teach a course on investigations. In between my packing lists and researching things to do and places to eat, I am also thinking a lot about...

Tips from the Other Side: LGBTQ Terminology and Concepts

My Meghan Droste, June 12, 2018 “The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter—it’s the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.”  Mark Twain’s excellent note on word choice is a lesson we can all learn from...

Tips from the Other Side: Developing a Record on Joint Employment

By Meghan Droste, May 16, 2018 As the regular readers of this column know, I generally represent employees, both in the federal and private sector.  In my time I have also represented federal agencies, so I have seen how resources can be stretched thin at times. ...

Tips from the Other Side, Part 4

By Meghan Droste, April 18, 2018 I just returned from a three-day FELTG training program with a fantastic group of EEO counselors and officers at an agency in Atlanta.  The course focused on various types of EEO writing, including acceptance and dismissal letters. ...

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