3 Reasons Why Member Grundmann is Optimistic About FLRA’s Future

By Dan Gephart, December 6, 2022 As she nears completion of the first six months of her tenure as a Federal Labor Relations Authority member, Susan Tsui Grundmann is very optimistic about the agency. We caught up with Member Grundmann a couple of times over the past...

Your Agency’s DEIA Strategy Should Address Workplace Antisemitism

By Dan Gephart, December 6, 2022 Five years ago, it was young men carrying torches and shouting “Jews will not replace us” on the eve of the violent Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville. Four years ago, it was a 46-year-old man killing 11 and wounding six at the...

Clean Record Agreements: You Can Use Them Now, But Should You?

By Barbara Haga, December 6, 2022 With issuance of OPM’s final regulations covering Parts 315, 432, and 752 on Nov. 10, 2022 (87 FR 67765), the prohibition on clean record agreements will end.  Effective Dec. 12, you are free to hide the dirty laundry to your heart’s...

No Debate Necessary: Accommodating Employees Who Had Strokes

By Dan Gephart, November 15, 2022 I watched my no longer undefeated Philadelphia Eagles take on the Washington Commanders on Monday Night Football. I am usually a wreck watching my Birds, and the last few weeks have been more anxiety-filled than ever. Despite the...

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