Managing & Supporting the Employee with Bipolar Disorder


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The word “bipolar” carries with it a stigma: that individuals with bipolar are dangerous, unstable, or unable to work. In reality, an estimated 2.8% of the U.S. population suffers from this diagnosis – so it’s not as uncommon as you might think.

There are a number of myths and misconceptions surrounding bipolar disorder, including the causes, the symptoms, the treatment, and the capabilities of individuals with bipolar disorder. In order to help employees be successful in the federal workplace, it’s important for agencies to develop a clear understanding about the symptoms of bipolar disorder, what to do (and what not to do) if someone is having an acute episode, and the day-to-day needs of individuals suffering from this diagnosis.

Join FELTG for this 60-minute webinar, where instructor Shana Palmieri, LCSW, will discuss:

  • An overview of Bipolar Disorder in the United States and in the workplace
  • A clinical overview of the signs and symptoms of Bipolar Disorder that indicate the need for professional intervention
  • Effective communication strategies with an employee in an acute manic or depressive episode
  • Practical & effective reasonable accommodations for an employee with bipolar disorder
  • Practical recommendations for handing a crisis in the workplace due to symptoms of bipolar disorder.




Shana Palmieri

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