And Now a Word With … MSPB Vice Chair Raymond Limon

By Dan Gephart, June 17, 2024 Just over two years ago, we interviewed the newly sworn in Merit Systems Protection Board Vice Chair Raymond Limon. We discussed how Limon’s previous Federal work would help as the recently quorumed Board planned to tackle an inherited...

And Now a Word With …. MSPB Member Tristan Leavitt

By Dan Gephart, June 6, 2022 When And Now a Word With … last talked with Tristan Leavitt, the word “corona” evoked visions of a weak mass-produced beer not a virus that would eventually take the lives of more than a million Americans. And the Merit Systems Protection...

Listen and Learn: How to Be an LGBTQ+ Ally in the Workplace

By Dan Gephart, June 16, 2021 On his first day in office, President Biden made diversity and equity a key initiative, and he made it clear that he expects the Federal workplace to lead the way. So it’s no surprise then that the first week of the Pride Month this year...

4 Tips to Prepare for Increase in Requests for Accommodation, Telework

By Dan Gephart, May 19, 2021 As we careen toward the eventual return to workplace normalcy, it’s a good time to take stock of where we are as a workforce after more than a year of pandemic-enforced remote work. Although not geared to the federal workforce, a recent...

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