And Now a Word With … New FELTG Instructor Susan Schneider

By Dan Gephart, July 5, 2023 On July 26, we debut a FELTG virtual training program aptly titled No Need for Fear: A Guide to Navigating EEO Challenges for Supervisors and Advisors. This course will be taught by FELTG President Deborah J. Hopkins and FELTG’s newest...

And Now a Word With … OFO Director Carlton Hadden

By Dan Gephart, June 5, 2023 It can be quite easily argued that Carlton Hadden is the face of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s Federal business. Hadden joined the EEOC in 1987 and was named the director of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s...

Avoid Sanctions Before the EEOC

By FELTG Staff, May 8, 2023 One of the most dreaded circumstances in practice before the EEOC is for a party to be sanctioned. According to Black’s Law Dictionary, a sanction is “a penalty or punishment provided as a means of enforcing obedience to a law.” EEOC...

And Now a Word With … EEOC AJ Meghan Droste

By Dan Gephart, April 11, 2023 Long-time members of FELTG Nation recall Meghan Droste as an engaging instructor and writer, who could break down difficult subjects into easy-to-understand guidance. At the same time, she’d often leave this FELTG Newsletter Editor with...

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