Last Chance Agreement Violation With a Side of Fries

By Deborah J. Hopkins, January 30, 2023 A last chance agreement (LCA) is an alternative disciplinary option for an agency when an employee has engaged in misconduct that warrants a removal, but the agency gives the employee one final opportunity to keep her job....

And Now A Word With … EEOC Chief AJ Regina Stephens

By Dan Gephart, January 3, 2022 Regina Stephens was named EEOC’s Chief Administrative Judge in October 2022. It’s a full circle return. Her path to becoming Chief AJ began in Washington, DC, where she worked as an appellate attorney in the Office of Review...

Year in Review: Top FELTG Newsletter Stories of 2022

By Dan Gephart, December 13, 2022 Happy Holidays FELTG Nation! Welcome to the fourth annual year-end News Flash, where we unveil the most popular FELTG newsletter stories (based on the number of reads and forwards) of the previous 12 months. The 2021 Year in Review...

Your Agency’s DEIA Strategy Should Address Workplace Antisemitism

By Dan Gephart, December 6, 2022 Five years ago, it was young men carrying torches and shouting “Jews will not replace us” on the eve of the violent Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville. Four years ago, it was a 46-year-old man killing 11 and wounding six at the...

So, Now Putin Can Claim Whistleblower Reprisal and Get an MSPB Hearing?

By Deborah J. Hopkins, November 28, 2022 The MSPB’s most recent precedential decision deals with a Federal contractor (Abernathy) who made a protected disclosure in 2012 when he alerted the agency’s Inspector General that agency officials had misappropriated funds. A...

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