Winding Down 2022


FELTG Readers,

It’s been quite a year. While the pandemic is still lingering, we’ve at least started to see what the new “normal” life looks like. We’ve connected with you a lot on virtual training (it’s nice to have moved past all the 2020 tech issues, isn’t it?), but have also been able to see many of you again in person this year – a highlight for sure. We’ve gotten your email questions, read your LinkedIn comments, your Zoom chats, your class feedback – and we appreciate it all.

I hope as the year winds down that you find time to relax, celebrate the holidays if that’s your thing, travel if you want to, stay home if that sounds better, take a few days off work – or go into the office when it’s quiet, which I know some of you like to do.

Thanks for a fantastic year, and we can’t wait to see you in 2023. But we’re not done just yet – check out the inside of this newsletter for information on remaining 2022 events.

In the final newsletter this year, we discuss due process, the FLRA, workplace antisemitism, strategic planning, and more.

Take care,

Deborah J. Hopkins, FELTG President