No BS: Prepare Your Agency for Possible BA.5 Wave

By Dan Gephart, July 18, 2022 Folks, it ain’t over yet.  Forget the crowds of unmasked frolickers you’ve seen on your summer adventures or the lack of above-the-fold headlines about death rates or hospitalizations. COVID is still very real. And there’s a chance we are...

And Now a Word With … J. Bruce Stewart About Diversity & Inclusion

By Dan Gephart, July 12, 2022 As Federal agencies work to implement the President’s Executive Orders on diversity and inclusion, navigate requirements to offer relevant training, and seek to hire chief diversity officers, I can’t help but think of one person in...

EEOC Shares Good News/Bad News Re: Feds With Disabilities

By Dan Gephart, June 21, 2022 Good news is at a premium these days, so pardon me for still regaling in last month’s announcement from the EEOC about Federal employees with targeted disabilities. Back in a previous life, I worked with then-EEOC Commissioner Christine...

And Now a Word With …. MSPB Member Tristan Leavitt

By Dan Gephart, June 6, 2022 When And Now a Word With … last talked with Tristan Leavitt, the word “corona” evoked visions of a weak mass-produced beer not a virus that would eventually take the lives of more than a million Americans. And the Merit Systems Protection...

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