And Now a Word With …. MSPB Member Tristan Leavitt

By Dan Gephart, June 6, 2022 When And Now a Word With … last talked with Tristan Leavitt, the word “corona” evoked visions of a weak mass-produced beer not a virus that would eventually take the lives of more than a million Americans. And the Merit Systems Protection...

And Now a Word With … OPM Director Kiran Ahuja

By Dan Gephart, April 25, 2022 A key milestone in the Biden Administration’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility efforts passed by quietly last month, as the deadline passed for agencies to submit their DEIA strategy plans to the Office of Personnel...

And Now a Word With … FLRA Chair Ernest DuBester

By Dan Gephart, April 18, 2022 Ernest DuBester holds the Federal Labor-Management Relations statute close to his heart. Literally. During our recent conversation, the FLRA chairman pulled a mini printed version of the statute from the left breast pocket of his shirt...

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