Tips from the Other Side: It All Starts With a Good Faith Effort

By Meghan Droste, March 16, 2021 This month, we continue our discussion of religious accommodations. In January, we looked at what an agency needs to do to establish that providing a religious accommodation to an employee would be an undue hardship (namely that there...

Tips from the Other Side: Undue Hardship and Religious Accommodation

By Meghan Droste, January 11, 2021 It’s a new year, so I have a new focus for my tips for you this month. Well, sort of a new focus. I spent the last few months of the year-that-shall-not-be-named bringing your attention to issues related to accommodating employees...

Tips from the Other Side: Reassignments and Reasonable Accommodation

By Meghan Droste, December 15, 2020 We’ve made it, readers. It’s finally the end of 2020 and that seems like as good a time as any to wrap up our ongoing look at reasonable accommodation issues in this space.  I’m sure we’ll touch on them again at some point in 2021,...

Tips from the Other Side: Dismissing Failure to Accommodate Claim

By Meghan Droste, November 17, 2020 For the past few months, we’ve been discussing reasonable accommodation issues in this space. Why? Well, they’re interesting.  Also, because I anticipate you will probably see more requests whenever your agency starts to move back...

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