Is it “Fraud” or Is it Another F-Word?

By William Wiley Questions, we get questions. And the answer for this one comes straight out of our famous “Charges” day in our equally famous MSPB Law Week seminar: Dear FELTG Team- We have an employee who has been charged with “fraud.” We are not sure that his...

You Don’t Know Discipline

By William Wiley Whether you are a supervisor, attorney, human resources specialist, or union representative, many readers of this newsletter are in the business of employee accountability. Discipline is a major tool in the world of employee accountability. Yet, as...

MSPB Fails to Understand Its Role in Adjudication

By William Wiley Once again, I willingly choose to engage in the crime of lèse-majesté. Consider the following exchange: Bill:         Hey, Deb, how did you get to work today? Deb:        Well, I drove my Ford, as usual. Bill:         You’re lying. I saw you driving a...

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