And Now a Word With … FLRA Chair Ernest DuBester

By Dan Gephart, April 18, 2022 Ernest DuBester holds the Federal Labor-Management Relations statute close to his heart. Literally. During our recent conversation, the FLRA chairman pulled a mini printed version of the statute from the left breast pocket of his shirt...

And Now a Word With … New MSPB Vice Chair Raymond Limon

By Dan Gephart, March 21, 2022 It’s just four words, but we are so thankful that we won’t have to include them in any more presentations or articles about the Merit Systems Protection Board. I’m talking about, of course, “lack of a quorum.” On March 1, the Senate...

Supervisors: To Avoid a Hurdle, Think of Wordle

By Dan Gephart, March 15, 2022 If you’ve been on email, text, or social media in the past couple of months, you’ve undoubtedly seen those ubiquitous green, yellow, and black squares. Maybe someone you know is obsessed with Wordle or, maybe you’re the one obsessed. Or,...

And Now a Word With … EEOC Chair Charlotte A. Burrows

By Dan Gephart, January 3, 2022 Last year, the EEOC dealt with an unrelenting number of harassment claims, addressed the civil rights crisis exacerbated by the pandemic, took on a role implementing Executive Order 14035, and provided regularly updated guidance on...

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