And Now a Word With … Dr. Anthony Marchese

By Dan Gephart, February 11, 2020 The third page of the Partnership for Public Service report released last week explicitly hinged the federal workforce’s future success on agencies’ ability to do four things: Collaborate internally. Work closely together with other...

And Now a Word With … Michael Bogdanow

By Dan Gephart, January 7, 2020 When I first started working in the area federal employment law many years ago, I called around, looking for advice. One highly regarded and experienced attorney told me: If you need to understand anything at all about the Merit Systems...

And Now a Word With … James Read

By Dan Gephart, November 5, 2019 Last month, we talked with MSPB General Counsel Tristan Leavitt about the adjudicatory and other work that the 200-plus employee agency continues to do despite not having any Board members since February. It’s a few weeks later...

And Now a Word With … Tristan Leavitt

By Dan Gephart, October 1, 2019 More than 200 employees work for the Merit Systems Protection Board in numerous regional and field offices across the country. But it’s the three offices that sit empty at the Board’s Washington, D.C., headquarters that have...

And Now a Word With … The Hatch Act Unit

By Dan Gephart, September 10, 2019 It’s always interesting when federal employment law makes its way into mainstream conversation. After Kellyanne Conway’s failure to understand and comply with the Hatch Act made headlines, people who have yet to figure...

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