And Now a Word With … Steve Shih

By Dan Gephart, July 2, 2019 On Feb. 1, 2018, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration launched a workplace anti-harassment campaign. The campaign was based on the applicable federal laws, EEO guidance on anti-harassment, and the expertise of its creator...

And Now a Word With … James Abbott

By Dan Gephart, June 4, 2019 In a decision earlier this year, the Federal Labor Relation Authority, to the delight of labor relations practitioners government-wide, reaffirmed a seminal decision from 2018, emphasizing the statutory distinction between conditions of...

And Now Another Word With … Scott Boehm

By Michael Rhoads, March 16, 2021 A goal without a plan is just a wish. – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry There are many wishes I have for 2021, but the short list is: Lose a little weight. Take my wife and kids on a “road trip” vacation. So how can I make these dreams a...

And Now Another Word With … Bob Lavigna

By Dan Gephart, November 23, 2020 On the heels of positive vaccine news, talk about the eventual return to workplace normalcy has picked up. But that normalcy does not necessarily mean a sudden end to remote working, especially if government workers have a say....

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