And Now Another Word With … Steve Shih

By Dan Gephart, July 30, 2019 Anyone who has ever attended a mediocre leadership training has surely heard the story of the Janitor and the President. Per the legend, President John F. Kennedy was touring NASA in the agency’s early days when he came upon a man...

And Now a Word From … Mika Cross

By Dan Gephart, April 16, 2019 Spurred on by the executive orders issued last year by President Trump, Health and Human Services resumed a once-stalled collective bargaining process with the National Treasury Employees Union. Those negotiations reached an impasse that...

And Now a Word From … Susan Tsui Grundmann

March 19, 2019 When former Merit Systems Protection Board Chair Susan Tsui Grundmann started her new job as Executive Director of the Office of Compliance, quite a few people didn’t know what the OOC was, or what it did. That soon changed. Grundmann barely had...

When All Yell Breaks Loose: Rude Behavior and Discipline

By Dan Gephart, June 10, 2024 On my morning coffee runs to Wawa, I drive by a pedestrian crosswalk and navigate a hectic parking lot that resembles a Richard Scarry book. This daily caffeine quest often reminds me there are two kinds of people in this world. There’s...

Gather Around the Festivus Pole and Settle Up Your Grievances

By Dan Gephart, December 4, 2023 There is one particular holiday taking place this month that seems especially apt for the current state of labor-management relations in the American workplace. Of course, I’m talking about Festivus, the holiday famously celebrated...

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