Expect More Religious Advocacy, Accommodation Requests

By Dan Gephart, October 2, 2023 During Pride Month this year, a group of employees at a tech firm were frustrated by what they deemed was their employer’s “overt” LGBTQ advocacy. The employees, members of a faith-based employee resource group, considered a walkout....

The Marijuana Conundrum: Illegal Federally, But Legal in Many States

By Deborah J. Hopkins, August 7, 2023 If this happened in your agency, what would you do? A District Manager, who is a member of the Career Executive Service, went to a cannabis dispensary with several of her subordinate employees while attending a leadership meeting...

In Case You Need Another Reason to NOT Issue a Letter of Counseling

By Deborah J. Hopkins, July 24, 2023 FELTG readers who’ve been around a while know how many times we have preached against using letters of counseling, caution, warning, and the like. If an agency wants to counsel, caution, or warn an employee, that is absolutely...

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