Valentine’s Day Advances Should Not Be in the Cards

By Frank Ferreri, February 12, 2024 In December, we ran a cautionary piece on the Title VII perils of taking season’s greetings a bit too far. This month’s holiday raises additional Title VII concerns, albeit for different reasons. The following cases from...

5 ECAB Decisions Reveal How Workers’ Comp Overpayment Happens

By Frank Ferreri, Jan. 17, 2024 For a variety of reasons, some benign and others more sinister, Federal employees may wind up on the receiving end of a workers’ compensation overpayment. What happens when the Employees’ Compensation Appeals Board decides that a...

Year in Review: Top FELTG Newsletter Stories of 2023

By Dan Gephart, December 12, 2023 FELTG Nation, welcome to another year-end News Flash, where we reveal the two most popular FELTG newsletter stories (based on the number of reads and forwards) for each month of 2023. This is our fifth year in this format, which...

Spread Cheer Wisely and Avoid Discrimination by Decoration

By Frank Ferreri, December 4, 2023 It’s that time of year again. Office workers across the world, including the Federal government, will soon bring merriment to their cubicles, quads, and corridors with lights, snowpersons, trees, and other indicia of “the...

Use Tried and True Principles to Meet Needs of Episodic Impairments

By Frank Ferreri, November 13, 2023 When the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act and its implementing regulations, which apply to Federal employers via Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, took effect in the late ’00s and early ’10s, a big piece of the...

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