Managing High-Conflict Personalities in the Federal Workplace


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Want to reduce conflict, increase productivity, and limit absenteeism, turnover, and even removals? That’s impossible, you say. Maybe not, if you learn how to effectively manage individuals whose behavior repeatedly generates workplace conflict.

This two-hour presentation teaches how to recognize employees with high-conflict personalities, whether it’s individuals who blame their peers for mistakes, tend to think in all or nothing terms, or display intense emotions. But spotting the issue isn’t the only problem. FELTG Instructor Shana Palmieri, LCSW, also shares how to effectively manage these challenging individuals.

Attendees learn how to:

  • Recognize the four traits of a high-conflict personality.
  • Intervene successfully in situations involving high-conflict personalities.
  • Identify strategies in the workplace to reduce overall conflict.




Shana Palmieri

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DVD, USB Drive

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