Have a question about federal employment law? Read below to find answers - or ask a question of your own.

Ask FELTG Tackles Accommodation Request for Inability to Commute

Here's a question that recently came into FELTG's mailroom: In granting or denying a reasonable accommodation request for telework, does it make any difference if the employee’s only disability-related problem is his commute to work? Hypothetically, he does not have...

Ask FELTG: How Exactly Did Union Rep Cross Line Into Misconduct?

An item in our weekly email generated the following question: You mentioned in one of your recent newsletters that an FLRA decision illustrated union activity “that very clearly crossed the line.” As our relationship with the union here is standoffish in its best...

Ask FELTG: If Metro is Closed, Is Telework a Reasonable Accommodation?

We recently received the following question: If a Metro station is closed for construction, does our agency have to accommodate a disabled employee who usually takes the Metro to work by granting temporary telework? Thanks for the question. As in every reasonable...

Ask FELTG Tackles Two Questions About Reasonable Accommodation

Q: An employee claims to have a family member with an underlying medical condition that makes him susceptible to severe COVID. May the agency ask for medical documentation about the family member’s condition, if that’s why the employee is seeking telework as a...


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