The True Cost of Accommodation

I recently asked an onsite training class how much the average reasonable accommodation (RA) costs an employer. Guesses varied between $500 and $10,000 – and they were all too high. According to a recent report issued by the Job Accommodation Network (JAN), the average cost of an RA is $300, and over 49% of RAs cost the employer nothing at all. Not a dime. 

As RA requests continue to increase, coinciding with return to the workplace orders, we know you still have questions, so join us for Reasonable Accommodation: Meeting Post-pandemic Challenges in Your Agency, June 14 from 1-3pm eastern. We’ll discuss new requests for telework, revisiting existing accommodations, what happens now that the vaccine requirement is over, and more.  Or, if your focus is more on attendance-related RA issues, including employees who are too sick to come to work, join us for Absence, Leave Abuse & Medical Issues Week June 5-9. 

May’s newsletter addresses EEO reprisal, deciding official mistakes, reassignments, the excepted service, and applicant notification of EEO rights. 

Take care,

Deborah J. Hopkins, FELTG President