And Now a Word With … Dennis Dean Kirk

By Dan Gephart, FELTG Training Director, August 11, 2020 I really had hoped and expected that when we conducted an interview with Dennis Dean Kirk, it would be to discuss his new role as Chairman of the Merit Systems Protection Board. As the FELTG Nation knows,...

Avoid Thoughtless Approach to Essential Function Determination

By Dan Gephart, July 15, 2020 Essential can be a loaded word. Any discussion on whether something is essential – whether it’s workers, food, or art – will likely not lead to consensus. Would you have considered GrubHub drivers “essential” workers at this time last...

And Now a Word With … Scott Boehm

By Dan Gephart, June 30, 2020 Inspectors general have a penchant lately for making headlines. During one short period a couple of weeks ago, one news site had three different stories about IGs. There was a warning from IGs about stimulus plan oversight, a request from...

Consider the Impact of Stress in Workplace Reopening Plans

By Dan Gephart, June 17, 2020 A glimpse at the Internet during the coronavirus pandemic reveals people cutting their own hair, making their own bread, showing off their TikTok dance moves, and building elaborate Rube Goldberg machines. Fun, fun, fun. However, dig a...

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